Gojek Bootcamp Pre-Bootcamp?!

Alexander Salim
2 min readJul 25, 2020
Source: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/heres-how-to-get-one-of-the-highest-paying-jobs-in-tech/

In November 2019 I join in Gojek’s campus hiring program. After passing numerous tests finally I am accepted to be the new hire, YEAHHHH!!! :D. Before joining Gojek, each of the new hires needs to join the Bootcamp. The Bootcamp is held in February and August 2020. Both of the Bootcamp is the same, only the held time is different. After a lot of thinking finally, I choose to join the August Bootcamp.

A month before the Bootcamp started, Gojek held a pre-Bootcamp session and I was wondering what is this pre-Bootcamp session because we were never told about it before. After my first time joining the session (which is actually the 3rd or 4th session because I was invited to the pre-Bootcamp session a week after it is started), it was actually to make us ready before the main Bootcamp. In this pre-Bootcamp, we were taught about the basic principles of clean code in Gojek, how to make a good product from the user story, technical story, etc. We also have some sharing session about all the team in Gojek (most of the speakers is the team lead), open source projects that Gojek own, and we also have book discussion session which is very good because it trains us to start love reading (“Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.” — Mortimer J. Adler).

After 2 weeks of joining the pre-Bootcamp sessions, I got so much new knowledge about Gojek and am glad that I can be a part of Gojek.

Thank you for spending your time on this article! :D

